Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be in band?
Band starts with 5th grade and continues on into high school. Students can start later with the understanding they will have to work hard to catch up to the others in the class. The later on in school they are, the more difficult it will be for them to catch up. 
Can students be in band and other activities?
Absolutely! The majority of what we do is done during the school day, except for the two concerts and possible after-school rehearsals before them. I try to have any after-school dates sent out a month or two ahead of time so that people can plan their schedule accordingly. Every year that I have taught, I have had students that are involved in school sports, academic clubs, and band. 
What if I don't have any musical knowledge?
That's okay! The first few weeks of school in beginning band are spent testing students out on various instruments and learning the nuts and bolts of reading music. Most people in beginning band have no prior musical knowledge.
What will my child need to be in band?
Your child will need to get an instrument (after we've done instrument testing), the required book for that instrument, and a cleaning kit for that instrument. See "How to get a great instrument" for more information.
What will my child's school schedule look like?
Since band is a class during the school day, students who choose to be in band will not be in the rotation for art, P.E., library, and general music. We have band every day throughout the year.