Meet the Instructional Coach:

1. How many years have you been a coach?
This is my second year serving as an Instructional Coach for Liberty School.
2. Why did you want to become a coach?
The short answer is I have a passion to serve, help, and support teachers which will also help our students. I love teaching and love our students. Similar to educator Rita Pierson's quote, I believe "Every teacher deserves a champion: An Instructional Coach who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be."
I want to help teachers become the best versions of themselves in the classroom. Educators are some of the most dedicated, hard-working people I know. As my teaching years passed, I had this feeling I just couldn’t shake, a longing, to help teachers…to do more. I knew in my heart that I wanted this, to be a coach, more than anything else. The thing is, I wholeheartedly believe in our teachers and believe they have the ability to move mountains in regards to student growth. But, just like every great athlete, doctor, scientist, etc. they need a coach, someone to know them, truly care for them, and be willing to team up/partner up together so we both become better educators…better at what we do.
3. What is your favorite thing about being a coach? What drives your passion for coaching?
The relationships… the best part of the job is the ability to connect with the teachers and see just how truly great they are. The chance to work side by side with them, get in the trenches with them, and work together to give our kids the best possible education.
4. What is your favorite inspirational education quote?
"Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." - John Maxwell
Clearly, I am a quote gal. But, I believe the above quote goes for teachers too. Teachers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. My goal is for every teacher I encounter to feel valued, appreciated, and supported.
5. Feel free to provide any additional information you feel would be beneficial about yourself or your position.
I am blessed with two wonderful children, Annalise and McKinley. These two girls are the light of my life. Since a little girl, I always wanted to be a teacher in Bedford County. After 13 years of teaching and almost two coaching, I can say I still absolutely love my job and working in this school system. So here I am…just living my childhood dream!