
Welcome to Art Class!
Find your child on Artsonia using this link: 
Artsonia is an educational resource used by many art educators to showcase student work. It acts as an online gallery where family can see all of the fantastic work their student is creating. This work is available for purchase on items such as t-shirts, mugs, and canvases. Part of the Artsonia proceeds go straight to funding fun projects in the art room! This is a great resource for building student confidence and self-esteem and I encourage all parents to take part. Emails should be sent out to gain access to student portfolios. Please feel free to send me an email for more information or questions that you may have. 
Students will be enhancing their artistic skills in this course by completing exciting projects. The class room will be used to facility fine motor skills growth, increase critical thinking skills, and overall enhance their school experience by including cross-curriculum assignments that involve subjects such as math, geography, and history.
“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” -Nikos Kazantzakis

I believe:


Students will leave my classroom with tools and knowledge that they will need to succeed throughout their lives. I very strongly want to close the achievement gap, and I believe that the art classroom can help facilitate that. I strive for equal opportunities in my classroom for growth, success, and access to an excellent education. Every child, no matter the background, has the ability to break barriers and reach new heights. I will provide an art education experience that allows for genuine, unique creative expression that elicits works of deeper meaning from my students. My teaching philosophy is based on a compassionate, empathetic teaching style while also including critique and diverse multicultural art history to create a community of inquiry and investigation. I wholeheartedly believe that there is no better way to benefit society than to teach, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to ensure success in our future generations.


Promote Critical Thinking
  • I want students to be able to formally analyze art to garner new perspectives of the world.
  • Critique leads to students being able to look at multiple facets of their lives and things that they encounter and access it in a critical manner
Inclusive Instruction
  • Students of all cognitive abilities and disabilities will be able fully to participate in every assignment.
  • One-on-one guidance will be essential in promoting growth with all students.
Positive Learning Environment
  • Students will feel included and welcome to share their thoughts and ideas without ridicule or retribution.
  • Every student will be encouraged to participate and engage in activities.
  • Grades will be based off of participation and effort rather than how “good” the art is.
Ensure Success
  • Students will have the opportunity to self-reflect after each project as well as critically analyze their own work.
  • Curriculum will be developed to apply to real-life situations and promote enthusiasm in learning.
  • I am the students biggest advocate.  Students can always come to me for help.
All assignments are available within the tabs to the left. Project images will also be uploaded to Artsonia, where family can have access to an entire gallery of their student's work. Please see the tab about Artsonia for more info.
While the art class room is equipped with the materials students will need to succeed in the course, extra materials are always welcome, especially during COVID. These are not at all required for this course, they are just nice to have. In some circumstances, extra materials may be suggested and can be used at your discretion. Below are the grade levels and suggested personal materials.
Large messy shirt (to put on during paint days)
Personal crayons
Personal colored pencils
Personal pencils
Their creativity!
Drawing pencils (4B-4H)
Kneaded eraser
Gum Eraser
Sketchbook for at home practice
Personal colored pencils
Personal pencils
Their creativity!
I am a Florida native and I graduated from Florida State University with my degree in Studio Art. My focus areas were drawing, figure, sculpture, and art education. I am currently getting my Masters of Education from Middle Tennessee State University. I have been in numerous art galleries and exhibitions throughout my high school to collage career. I've been an active member of the art community and participate in many philanthropy events for the arts. My work has been published in medical journals, photography magazines, and other online publications. My passion is in art education where I want to make a difference in children's lives. I hope to help close the achievement gap through the arts.